Osx Ansible


It can be controlled via a user's /.ssh/config, via remoteuser in Ansible or through the Ansible inventory. This has changed drastically between Ansible versions pre-2.0 and post 2.0 Follow this link to see how this can be done. Next Ansible – Installing Ansible Next Search All Categories ads Ansible Apache Web Server AWS AWS-CSA-Associate c# CentOS Consul Docker git Golang Jenkins Kubernetes Linux Networking OSX Other PostgreSQL PowerShell Puppet Python Rails RedHat RHCE RHCSA rspec-puppet Ruby Rubygems Tutorials Uncategorized Vagrant Vault Virtualbox WIX Wordpress.

The basic syntax consists of ansible then the host group from hosts to run against, -m <MODULE_NAME>, and optionally providing arguments via -a 'OPT_ARGS'

Simple Modules

Ping hosts

Display gathered facts

Filter gathered facts

Advanced Modules

Copy SSH key manually

Modify file using lineinfile

There are multiple ways to control which user account is used when executing Ansible. It can be controlled via a user's ~/.ssh/config, via remote_user in Ansible or through the Ansible inventory.

This has changed drastically between Ansible versions pre-2.0 and post 2.0

Follow this link to see how this can be done.

When running from the command line, one can just specify which user account to run against directly. Please note that specifying a user can sometime conflict with a user defined in /etc/ansible/hosts

Specifying a user:

Using a specific SSH private key:

Variables can be pesky, but sometimes are required to be passed in via the CLI. Any variable can be set via the command line. Often the command line is the be all, end all in variable overrides.

Passing arguments:

When writing Ansible, sometimes it is tedious to make a change in a playbook or task, then run the playbook It can sometimes be very helpful to run a module directly as shown above, but only against a single development host.

Limit to one or more hosts

Linux ansible tutorial

This is required when one wants to run a playbook against a host group, but only against one or more members of that group.

Limit to one host

Limit to multiple hosts

Negated limit. NOTE: Single quotes MUST be used to prevent bash interpolation.

Limit to host group

Limiting Tasks with Tags

Limit to all tags matching install

Skip any tag matching sudoers

Busted Cache

Sometimes Ansible has a tendency to hold on to variables too long, which causes Ansible to think that a task/operation had already been done or changed when in fact it didn't.

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A simple fix is to flush the redis cache during a code execution.

This can be done like this:

Check for bad syntax

One can check to see if code contains any syntax errors by running the playbook.

Check for bad syntax:

Running a playbook in dry-run mode

Sometimes it can be useful to see what Ansible might do, but without actually changing anything.

One can run in dry-run mode like this:


Sometimes Ansible just can't cut performing a task using the built-in modules. Raw module to the rescue!

Using raw module to run command similar to running directly via SSH:

Other times, Ansible's modules either aren't well defined yet, or simply do not exist. This is a use case for using shell and command modules. More information for shell and command modules.

The main differences between the two comes down to what kind of command one wishes to run. If the command uses IO redirection of ANY sort, use shell. If the command only contains CLI flags, command module will suffice.

Checking Redis

Command reference: http://redis.io/commands

Sometimes it may be neccessary to manually check Redis for gathered facts from a remote host. Redis is the default back-end for Ansible and usually is running as a server under One can check Redis by performing the following steps:

  1. Log in to Ansible controller, if Ansible is not running on your local machine
  2. Login to Redis


  3. List all stored entries for Ansible

    KEYS ansible*

  4. Find the entry for the remote host and display the gathered facts for that host

    MGET 'ansible_factsXXX.XXX.XXX.XXX'

  5. Exit Redis


Manually flushing controller's redis cache

Running Redis on OS X as a daemon

Write your own module

There is a wealth of modules available, and writing your own should only be done as an absolute last resort.

If you still wish to write your own, take a look at the docs here: http://docs.ansible.com/ansible/developing_modules.html

This extension includes a build/release task to integrate with Ansible. The task executes a given Ansible playbook on a specified list of inventory nodes via command line interface.Ansible is an open-source IT automation engine that can configure systems, deploy software and orchestrate application deployments.Ansible uses Playbooks which express configurations, deployment, and orchestration steps in YAML format. Each Playbook maps a group of hosts to a set of roles. Each role is represented by calls to Ansible tasks.Inventory file is a description of the nodes that can be accessed by Ansible.

This task requires that the Playbook and Inventory files be located either on a private Linux agent or on a remote machine where Ansible automation engine has been installed. Additionally Inventory can also be specified inline or as a Host list.


Install Ansible automation engine

Osx Ansible

Follow the installation guidance to install Ansible on a private Linux agent or on a remote machine. Currently Ansible can be run from any machine with Python 2.6 or 2.7 installed (Windows isn’t supported for the control machine).

Create an SSH endpoint

If Ansible is installed on a remote machine, you would need to set up an SSH endpoint in the administration section of your VSTS project.

  • The hostname or IP address of the remote machine, the port number, and the user name are required
  • The private key and the passphrase must be specified for authentication.
  • A password can be used to authenticate to remote Linux machines, but this is not supported for Mac or OSX systems.
  • The public key must be pre-installed or copied to the remote machine.
Osx Ansible


Installing the extension adds the following Ansible task which runs a given Playbook:

When Ansible automation engine is located on an Agent machine:

When Ansible automation engine is located on a remote machine:

Task arguments

  • Ansible location: Location where Ansible automation engine is installed. Can be either a private agent machine or a remote machine. Ansible communicates with remote machines over SSH and would require the SSH endpoint details.

  • SSH endpoint*: Name of the SSH service endpoint containing connection details for the remote machine where Ansible automation engine has been installed.

  • Playbook Source: Choose agent machine if playbook is part of a linked artifact and should be copied to the remote Ansible machine. Otherwise, select Ansible machine.

  • Playbook root*: Specify the working directory path where playbook and associated files are located on the agent machine. All the files in this folder will be copied to Ansible machine.

  • Playbook file path*: Specify the path to the playbook file to be executed on the Ansible machine. Playbooks declare Ansible’s configuration, deployment, and orchestration steps in YAML format.

  • Inventory location: By default, Ansible Inventory is described by a configuration file, in INI format, whose default location is in /etc/ansible/hosts. Inventory can also be specified as a separate configuration file which lists either the IP address or hostname of each node that is accessible by Ansible. Or can be specified as a Host list of comma separated hosts. Example - foo.example.com, bar.example.com.

Alternatively Inventory can be specified inline.

  • Inventory file path*: Specify the path to inventory host file on Ansible/Agent machine

  • Dynamic Inventory: Ansible can also use a custom Dynamic Inventory script, which can dynamically pull data from a different system. Check this box if dynamic inventory is used.

  • Advanced - Sudo: Run operations with sudo. It works only when the Ansible user is sudoer with nopasswd option.This also requires desired sudo user name. 'root' is used when this field is empty.

  • Additional arguments: The arguments to pass to Ansible command line. Refer to documentation on Ansible Commands Modules and Ad-Hoc Commands

  • Advanced - Fail on STDERR: If this option is selected (the default), the build will fail if the remote commands or script write to STDERR.

  • Control options: See Control options

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